Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fabulous Friday

I've had this love for GOLD for a long time. Most people tend to go towards silver, bronze - but me, I love gold. I'm not talking about the gaudy gold, gold jewelry, gold cherubs. Of course, those are not the kind of pieces I'd ever buy anything in gold, not that they're bad, except for maybe the cherubs, it's just not my taste. But I love gold shoes, gold accent pieces, you will too after today's Fabulous Friday.

(All images from Pinterest)

Do you agree? Gold done right is fabulous. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin Time

This past weekend has been a whirlwind of Harvest Fest, Pumpkin Patches and Trick or Treatin'. Too much fun, mainly for the niece.

 (some photos of her in costume at Disneyland)

Picking her first pumpkin, of course trying to take a bite.

Trick or Treatin' was such a blast. When you see three adults with a 15 month old toddler, your first thoughts are that the candy is going straight to the adults. Well, this Snow White had her own ideas about trick or treating. She was determined to carry her own jack o' lantern pail (pink I might add) and to walk up and get her own candy. She then proceeded to say "thank you" and walk away. Only to turn around and try to get more. She was a pro!

Snow White turned into Sleeping Beauty and we opted to head home rather than hit up the rest of the neighborhood that was overflowing with kids.

I'd say Halloween 2011 was a huge success for this family.

Happy Candy Eating!