Saturday, March 12, 2011

Catching Up

Since I've been MIA from my old blog for the past few months, I thought I'd catch you up on two daytoday 'things'. By you I mean my family, old blog friends (old meaning we go back to my first blog) and all you new wonderful people that I'm sure are so interested in my glamorous life.

Let's discuss the main star of my life... Rylie Drew. My niece.

Here's a birth picture for those that weren't past readers.
Isn't she breathtaking? All that goo and birth fluids. Moving on...

If you haven't figured out yet, I'm Bumble. So pictures are what this baby girl will grow up on.

Getting big and loud. And so much fun.
(taken with iPhone)

My business - Bumble Photography and then some

I quit my job in December. Employed there for six years. Two days before Christmas, after lots of prayer and consulting, I handed over my resignation letter and walked out. I ran the office, was second to the boss and I walked out. I've looked back and thought - "what the heck did I do?" and then I remember, God said it was time. So He knows best right?

This is what I've been up to as a photographer.

Opened an Etsy shop and am selling prints.

I shot my first wedding...

Besides my God-relationship, family, these two things - Bumble and Rylie - take up most of my time and are what I do. Edit, cuddle, edit, cuddle.


  1. DEB!!! Love, love, LOVE the new look, my friend AND the "fresh start"!! Everybody needs one of those every now and then. Soooo excited about your venture out into your own biz (praying!!) and Rylie Drew is just flat-out adorable!!

    I pray God's abundant blessings on you, your biz, your life and that sweet, little niece of yours!


  2. Julie! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. :)

    Hugs back,


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